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Disclaimer -Terms -Condition

Disclaimer and Terms & Condition

Important information for clients of Raval Digital Design and general visitors to this site.

Welcome To Raval Digital Design. This Site Give you All Graphics or related services are copyrighted or do not use this design without our permission. If you have any problem with any object or design you can tell us with genuine proof then we remove or delete this particular object or design. If you have any questions about these terms, or would like information about licensing images and/or materials from Raval Digital Design please contact us.

We make every effort to produce original artwork. If, however, we create artwork for you which accidentally infringes on any existing trademarked artwork, our liability is limited only to a refund of the paid amount. Raval Digital Design will do no research checking on the legal availability of the name we are creating designs for. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the name of their product, company or service is not already in use, and it is the Client’s sole responsibility to secure a service mark or trademark to protect the rights to any name or image. We will not be held responsible for any legal action that may result from improper due diligence on the availability of a company name or image.

In short, you can use this site for ideas only or as a Graphics Paid Service. You may not resell the information or graphics provided herein and we make no warranties of any kind.

Refunds will not be given to the customer after the completion of the paid service or design contract.

Graphics may not be resold, added to design or art collections, as part of a gallery or template collection or redistributed in any manner without express written permission by Raval Digital Design.

There is no guarantee that all service updates will be available at the same price. Raval Digital Design reserves the right to charge a price for the service updates it releases according to the nature of the update.

Raval Digital Design may use your design or branding work (which is created or provided by Raval Digital Design) to our client list and portfolio to display on our website.

Raval Digital Design reserves the right to modify the above or below terms and conditions and pricing for our services without any prior notice to anyone.

